Football & Art

The curatorial project

Radical football supporters archetypes in artist’s processes

My deep interest in in football related artworks was born during our early work for the Mucem Marseille. While we were focusing on our documentary collection and researches on football passion and Ultras groups in mediterranean countries (Israël/ Palestine, Algeria, Italy) the constant dialogue with Florent Molle (the curator, with Gilles Perez, of Nous sommes Foot!) led us to ask why, and how artists deal with football (Florent provided an excellent list of artists and artworks with a strong reference to football). 
But beyond the global enemy and the nostalgia (which is also a point in radical supporters groups stemming from youth movements : against modern football or vecchio stampo)  in which way do artists  proceed to approach the football world and its main actors, including the radical supporters movements? How do they absorb and rewrite their archetypes in their artworks?
With this curatorial project, Football & Art, we get in touch with artists dealing, in some of their works, with radical supporters ways of doing and aesthetics.
Giovanni Ambrosio

Aurore Le Duc

Photo © Sébastien Baverel
